An Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
Here's the details: the party is being held at Black Rock Bar on Thursday, December 10,

Learn more, RSVP, and find out how to spread the word at the Ugly Christmas Party Official Page.
Windy City Wine Guy is teaming up with other sites to make this a night to remember. Make sure to check them out this weekend to learn a whole lot more about what's happening in Chicago. Here's the Co-Sponsors:
Backgarage, Chicago Bar Project, Chicago Carless, Chicago Dining Examiner, Chicago Foodies, Chicago Tumbls Too, ChiTown Tattler, Driftglass, Fun Sherpa, Gals Guide, Lake Effect News, Loud Loop Press, Making Chicago Home, Outside the Loop Radio, Sound Citizen, The Urbanophile, Windy Citizen, Windy City Watch, and Windy City Wine Guy.
See you there!